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Very cute project!

Sue Alger

Cute project for those traveling times.

Jamie Cripps

This is such a fun project! Love the colors of yours!

Miranda Enclade

Super cute project!


I love this Aimee!

Buffy Esser

so cute!

Jennifer Earley

Adorable board! Great idea cutting so many layers so you can travel with it :) Love the colors!
[email protected]


What a cute project! I love it!

Amy Jones #8546

This is so very cute. What a wonderful idea. My kids would love this.

Roni Dillard

Cute project and I love the color combo! It would even be cute in a frame.

Sue D

Very cute idea!

Amy Frye

This would make great party favors. Also, it would make a great travel game if it was magnetic. Love it. It's super cute and fun!


so cute! Love the idea!


What a cute project Aimee!

Kelly Sas

Always fun to make cute games like this for kids summer travel time in car etc. Thanks for the great idea!


Good project to have for car trips and other times that you want to keep the kids entertained without carrying a lot of toys.

LadyFair LadyFair

Cute project, and great way to keep the kids busy.

Barbara McCarthy

super cute project! love the technique of cutting it multiple times for a sturdier outcome! Thanks!

A Facebook User

so cute

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