I never had a chance to share my Simple Scrapper projects
for August.
I don’t know why this makes me so sad… Mostly because I love
Jennifer’s sketches and I love sharing my work with everyone!
The September sketches are ready for there reveal.
My first layout Elk Crossing was made with the freebie
sketch from Simple Scrapper. That’s right a free sketch. Simple Scrapper is
sponsoring Paper Issues “issue” and you have till the 7th to link up
your take on this sketch!

Just a few weeks ago Kevin and I drove down the coast from
Oregon. This photo is Just inside the Cali border. Of course I made Kevin stop, and get out for
photos! Can you just hear me yelling, “Let me take your freakin picture! I need
more pictures for assignments!” Poor Guy! These photos were all taken from my
iPhone. Those elk are really that close. At one point an elk walked past me
literally 10 feet from me, I could hear Kevin yelling at me in my mind, and in
the background I could hear Jager going crazy! He wanted him self some elk!

Florence was absolutely beautiful! I could live there. And
they had a scrappy store. Bonus! We arrived in Florence via Eugene, around 6pm.
We checked into a motel, had dinner and then took the dogs for a walk. We
walked down a pier and this was the view, I am assuming this is a river flowing
into the ocean.

Since this is an unofficial hop, but please go check out my
other team mates projects!
Thank you for coming to my blog today.
Leave me a comment
that you have visited my
2 team mates blogs, and you will have a chance at
winning a $15 gc to the Paper Issues Paper Shop…
And don’t forget to like Paper
Issues and Simple Scrapper on FB!
{this is a seperate prize that the others being offered at this time}
Please leave your comment by 12am cental time Sep 7th

And don’t forget to link up your take on the sketch over at
Paper Issues, for a chance at 1 of 3 prizes.
A trial membership to Simple Scrapper
A downloadable version of Everyday Story Teller 1 & 2
A $20 gift card to Paper Issues shop