March 16th 2020
We have been hearing about the corona virus for awhile now. I didn’t really pay attention until an IG friend was supposed to travel to China for the Chinese New Year. That was January 22nd. That family soon decided to cancel their trip.
The last week of February Kevin and I went to Costco to stock up on water and toilet paper. Thankfully we did cause March 4th I woke up throwing up every 20 min. from 4am till noon.
Kevin woke up 2 days later with the same thing.
It wasn’t until last week that all shit hit the fan.
A week or so prior a couple of cruise ships had people test positive for Covid-19. And the first case of corona virus hit the states.
The week of March 8th I had started to think about going and stocking up on can foods. I had just cleaned out our pantry and we had absolutely nothing. But I was reluctant. I happened to go to Target on the 11th, and buy about 10 cans of random stuff. You know just because. The natural born planner/prepper in me just told me to get something in the cabinets.
Then on March 11th an NBA player was confirmed having it.
I remember being at Star Café in Montrose and the waiter had overheard Kevin and I talking about corona, and told us that how the NBA had just postponed the season. That night more and more things started being postponed.
Kevin and I kept reading about how everybody was out buying all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer. I wasn’t too worried about it because we had just been to Costco. Plus, I never have really used hand sanitizer.
It had started raining here in LA on Thursday. I went to get my hair done and that was the first I actually felt the fear from the public. Apparently, people had been stealing the toilet paper from the salon I go to. The women in the salon were definitely alarmed with the situation. They were worried about paying rent and bills if we got quarantined. The studios had already began shutting down productions. We got word that the Gatornationals had been postponed {so glad we didn’t make the drive to Florida this year!} And by the hour more sports organizations postponed their seasons.
After lunch I told Kevin that we were going to the store to just get some frozen stuff in our freezer “just in case”. I had started noticing the stores were get limited with stuff. Mostly just toilet paper hand sanitizer and bleach.
So, I dragged Kevin to the market, I wanted him to see the empty aisles where these items should be. We bought conservatively. We bought 5 lbs. of ground beef, a bag of potatoes some canned food 2 loaves of bread. Jell-O, milk, eggs, snacks. Nothing to crazy. Later that night I heard the stores were starting to get low on food and such.
Friday morning, we woke to all LAUSD schools being closed for 2 weeks. Every hour we would hear of more and more stuff closing/postponed. That Night the markets were a mad house and there was practically nothing left on shelves. Lines were to the back of the stores to check out. And there were lines outside the stores just to get in. I heard there was a 2 hour check out wait at Ralphs in Sunland. Friday the news announced for everybody to “social distance” or “self-quarantine” for the weekend, indefinite future.
HAHA I went to Ikea to get cabinets for the remodel, and witnessed my first public Corona Virus melt down. I was waiting for my cabinet order to be filled. This guy with a mask, just starts walking into the where house. Like 4 Ikea employees almost jumped on him “sir, sir” “you are NOT aloud back here” he starts yelling back, “I have been waiting a fucking hour for my order”! The employee asks to see his order number, and the mand gets out his phone for the number.
The employee goes to grab the man’s phone to see the number, and the man FREAKS OUT screaming something like “I have the corona virus, I have the corona virus, don’t touch me”. Well at least that’s what I heard. HAHA, he probably said “I don’t want the corona virus, don’t touch me”! Anyways if this guy was so worried about it one way or another, he should not have been at Ikea.
Saturday got worse and our local markets were closing at 8pm because they were sold out of everything. We heard the Ralphs in La Canada and La Crescenta were closing for good, because all the costumes were so rude the employees didn’t want to deal with them!
In the local Facebook groups, I heard that the markets in Sunland/Tujunga the people were still being civil and kind.
I never watched the news on TV I just read what everybody was sharing on Facebook and Instagram. I tried my best to stay positive and weed out the nonsense info that I heard.
Sunday Kevin and I ventured out to Harbor Freight and DIY for supplies for the remodel.
We had still eaten out on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Night. I had been to a couple different stores like Home Depot, we definitely noticed business was down but not much more than a rainy week in LA.
We went to the Italian place for Pizza tonight, as we drove past Trader Joe's the parking lot wasn't to bad so I decided to stop. OMG you had to wait in line outside to go in. I said never mind and we proceeded to go to dinner. After dinner Trader Joe's was still open, it was like 7:45 pm and so I told Kevin I just wanted to get ice cream cause you know...
Here's photos:
Today’s Monday and I decided I wanted to keep a journal of all this craziness. I may add stories from last week as I remember them. And maybe I won’t.
My point of this journal is to document my perspective of this event. So, we either can go back and laugh at it, or learn from our mistakes. And to see what we could do better next time.
- I’m guessing Social Distancing/Quarantine started on Saturday, so Monday will be day 3
XOXO, Aimee
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