Kevin went and got Starbucks for us this morning. He said that you could go inside and order, but all the tables and chairs had been stacked so no one could sit, eat and hang out.
Of course, he drove through.
When I woke up, we went to Home Depot to get some supplies for the remodel, just in case we get quarantined we will have supplies to get the house as close to done as possible.
I also ran in to Office Depot to get some laminating sheets. HAHA I am gonna end up laminating ALL THE THINGS!
I got some more veggies to plant in my garden, and I planted them as soon as I got home. Kevin went and got us Giamelas for lunch.
All the restaurants have been ordered to only have take out no sit ins. After lunch I took a nap.
When I woke up, I went over and talked to my dad for a bit.
He said that San Francisco was on a city wide shut down/quarantine and it was just a matter of time before LA was.
Kevin worked late on the rental and I just fussed around the house!
By the time we were hungry ready for dinner it was to late to go anywhere, so we decided on In-N-Out in the rain!
{I made these into stickers with my silhouette!}
XOXO, Aimee