**this is a long post!
I woke up a bit earlier today. But who am I kidding, I think it was 8:30 lol.
Anyways I decided last night that I needed to go to IKEA and get the dresser for Angie. I had tried to do “click and collect” last night but all the spots were taken. IKEA had shut the showroom and market place down. You could only shop online and pick up from “click and collect”.
So, when I got up today, I went straight to my cart and ordered. I also got the jam Kevin needed to finish the pantry at the rental. My order said it would be ready at 11:00 am. So, I paid bills and then got ready to go.
I got my email the confirmed my order was ready, so I headed to IKEA. Of course, the 5 was stopped {accident} so I got off at Buena Vista and drove surface streets to IKEA. Glenoaks was definitely less busy than normal. I started noticing that every other business was closed. But all the drive throughs had lines.
When I pulled into IKEA it was a ghost town! I have to admit I kinda loved it! There were just the cars that were there to pick up orders. I got the first parking spot and backed in. I noticed that there was a line, and you couldn’t go inside. This was at the “exit” where “click and collect” is.
I got in line, I had my i.d. and my order recip. I was asked if I had gotten the conformation email that my order was ready. I had, but of course I didn’t print that out and couldn’t look it up cause it went to my EarthLink email. The guy believed me though! Probably stood in line for about 10 min. IKEA had red dot stickers for us to stand on so we were 6 feet apart.
It was finally my turn, I got to the door {they weren’t letting anyone inside} gave the guy my name he grabbed my order and off I went. Of course, when I grabbed my cart it got away from me, and everything spilled off when I hit a sign {damn IKEA carts}. I got the few things that fell off back on my cart and the off to loading up my car.
An older man came and helped me load my car. I told him I didn’t need help but he insisted. He had just finished loading up his car. I thanked ah we loaded/talked. He said “isn’t it a bummer that IKEA was closed” I said well at least we could still come pick up orders {I guess he does a lot of IKEA kitchens}.
It poured on my way home. When I got home, I took the jam to Kevin and had JD unload the dresser out of my car.
Kevin and I went to Del Taco to get us lunch {JD had a friend help him today}.
After lunch, I did a live story for @pretty Little Studio on Instagram. 1 perk of the day, Color Me Happy had arrived on my door step. So I did a live unboxing. After the unboxing I took a nap.
When I woke up, I fussed around a bit more. I opened the drawer organizers {the ones for the dresser} and filled them with the baby clothes that I had gotten for Angie. I sent her pictures and told her I had gotten the dresser and “Happy Baby Shower Present”
I went up to the other house talked to Kevin a bit. He was putting the new hinges on the kitchen cabinets, and painted the cabinets where the old hinges had been. I checked out what the boys had done {they had cleaned up the last big pile} and then went home.
I sat down at the computer and decided that I was going to share this journal on my blog. So, I decided to back date my journal entries. I added photos/screenshots from the previous days to my post.
In the mean time I had ordered some stuff from Michael’s in Glendale and was waiting for the email conformation to go pick it up. Well that email never came in. Not really sure what happened there. Anyways my Dr.’s office emailed me, with some info and numbers to call if you get sick/feel sick etc. Somehow, I deleted the email before I finished reading it. So, I logged into Kevin’s email to see if he had gotten the email too.
He didn’t but I saw an email that was a past due invoice for the race car. So, I printed the invoice and called my dad asking him if he had paid it. He said he had tried, but no one had gotten back to him. Anyways he’s all “did you hear the news”? “I’m like no what news” “they have shut us down” “no more work” “we have to close Peen-Rite”. “I was like what”. He said that Newsome had just had a press conference and shut California down. And what were we going to do for dinner, lol.
I got a bit panicky cause, shits really bad if Peen-Rite can’t work. I went and got Kevin, it was 7:30pm and I was afraid we weren’t gonna be able to get any food. He could tell I was a bit panicky and closed up the house quickly.
My dad had watched the news with Bill and they both didn’t know if this applied to the factory’s etc. or not.
Only essential business were to be opened. What qualifies at essential?
Anyways I decided to call in Giamelas for dinner. They were open. We got there before the food was ready so we sat in the car and waited. While we waited, we could see a family inside. Mom, Dad, and 3 kids. The kids were touching everything. I commented to Kevin, geez they could have left the kids in the car. Why do all of them need to go inside?
Mark called me while Kevin was inside {he’s in Utah} and was asking some questions. I told him about the shutdown. He’s all I just got a text from Mike G, and he read me the screen shot of the email. Mike had text him. I think it was from Boeing, {not sure} anyways it read since we do work for the government that Peen-Rite and BG didn’t have to close down.
Whew that settled my nerves! Kevin and I got home at dinner we talked about the day and all the things. He commented that this was probably the worst/weirdest/scariest time that he could remember {I think 9/11 was scarier for me} but how things weren’t too much different in our normal daily life, other than we couldn’t go and sit in a restaurant for dinner.
After dinner we looked at our phones for a bit. I saw that 1 cause of corona had been confirmed in Tujunga.
So that was unsettling. I also read the article about the 34 year old man in Pasadena that had passed away this morning. So ya slowly things around here are feeling more and more scary.
We went to bed at 10:30 pm, that’s like so early for us. No TV just straight to bed!
XOXO, Aimee
****None of the images or information I have posted are from reliable sources. They are all just screen shots/images I have grabbed from Facebook and Instagram. I have done my best to link the articles!