Woke up and hoped in the shower. I have a “managers meeting” @ BG at 11am
I showed up at BG right on time, for Robin to tell me the meeting was tomorrow.
Oops well at least I was early right?
I went and dropped off my dad’s paycheck, he wasn’t at the shop so I just put them through the mail slot.
Then I headed to Peen-Rite to take the payroll.
I saw my dad at the corner of Tuxford and Glenoaks, he must have been at Peen-Rite.
I dropped the payroll off at Peen-Rite, everyone was on break so I left.
As I headed home, I decided to go to Vons, it had been almost 2 weeks since we had gone and I figured we could use a few things.
I also wanted to make a pot roast. I bought a roast, there was no ground beef. I got some carrots and an onion.
I grabbed 2 loaves of bread, half a gallon of milk.
There were no eggs. I got some jam, but there was no peanut butter.
I also grabbed a bunch of snacks, like granola bars and such.
When I checked out, I had such a bad experience I couldn’t shake it.
The checker was such a bitch. I mean I get it your having a bad day, I’m sorry etc.
Anyways you know I am new to this whole market shopping thing. Apparently, you can’t use your own bags now.
But you still have to pay for the throw away ones. The chick was just so rude about it.
I went home in a bad mood.
I got home and was unloading the groceries when Kevin came in.
He was gonna head to the do it center than pick up lunch for him and JD. SO, I decided to go with him.
They didn’t have the pieces he needed, but we ran into Robert and talked to him for a bit.
We decided to go to In-N-Out for lunch. As we were driving there, I got really nauseous.
I almost didn’t order any food. I just felt off. Earlier in the day I had been super-hot, but I thought that was because I had showered, washed and dried my hair.
We got lunch headed home and ate with JD. Towards the end of lunch, I just couldn’t wait for lunch to be over and I could take a nap.
I got into bed and I just started to ache! I couldn’t get comfortable, and I still felt like I was going to throw up. I felt like crying.
I text Kevin to come check on me. He did and I told him how I felt. He’s like you got it, you got the corona. And then the puking began. All of IN-N-Out came up. I was so cold and so achy.
I felt slightly better after throwing up, but another round came and it was all bad again.
I think I might have slept for an hour or two, not really sure. Kevin finally came in for the night and I was sitting in the chair, I was wearing sweats with 2 blankets on me. And then the hot flashes came.
Kevin took my temp and it was 100.5. He got me some Tylenol. I had him take my temp again like 5 minutes later. Not even enough time for the Tylenol to make it to my stomach and my temp was already down to 99.7
I felt a bit better and decided to eat some apple sauce. About 30 min later I was puking the apple sauce up. My eyes hurt; I could focus on the tv so I decided to just go to bed. Kevin gave me a klonopin so I could try and sleep. I think I slept, but not great sleep. I was up several times, in and out of the bathroom. I can remember my stomach was just bubbling up a storm.
XOXO, Aimee